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How to Prepare for a Tornado Warning

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Plan ahead for tornadoes. It's a smart idea to consult your building's emergency plan to ensure you're safe. You should know where everyone is in case of a tornado emergency. It is a good idea to have a plan in place for how everyone will meet up once the disaster is over. For advice, make sure you call your family. Remain calm and do not panic.

Plan ahead

You can prepare for any type of tornado. First, be aware of where to shelter. If you are driving outdoors, move out of the way. Wrap your arms around your head and lower your body as much as possible. Avoid using your car to escape the tornado. Instead, take refuge in a safe place. Also, alert your family and neighbors about your location.

Get into a ditch or gully

Many chasers prefer to ride out a tornado in their car. What makes you want to do this? Tornadoes can wreck havoc on vehicles stationary or moving. You have probably seen images of trucks and cars wrapped in trees and covered with lethal debris. A vehicle provides you with a layer that protects you better than other vehicles.

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Avoid getting caught in a drainage ditch or canal.

Shelter in a sturdy structure if you are able. If that is impossible, you can lie down on the ground. Stay away from overpasses and bridges. Stay indoors when there is a tornado warning. You can't get protection from the debris, so keep your windows closed. When you need help, be sure to hold your family together and wait for the rescuers.

Protect yourself from falling objects

You should seek shelter in a sturdy structure immediately after a tornado hits. When you are inside, place your head flat on the floor. Cover your head with your arms. You can move to a lower level, such as the basement and a storage area. If you find yourself in a large shopping mall or other public place, it is best to move to an indoor room that is away from any windows and doors. Be calm and calm while inside a large store or mall. However, protect yourself from falling objects.

You can find shelter in your home

If a tornado is moving through an area it's crucial to find somewhere safe to hide. Take refuge in a sturdy building if you can. Avoid staying on the lowest floors of a building as elevators may not work and heavy items could fall through. Bathrooms are safe havens, and they can be found inside walls. You should also stay inside when there is a tornado approaching to ensure you are not blown out.

Avoid hiding under bridges and overpasses

Avoid taking refuge under bridges or overpassed roads during a tornado. While it might seem appealing to climb up into a bridge to avoid the rain, a tornado's wind and debris can easily penetrate clothing, skin, and eyes. If someone climbs up onto an overpass, they risk being thrown half mile high and aren't protected from falling debris. Additionally, wind speed can be increased by the narrow passage below an overpass, resulting in severe injuries or death.

survival plant guide

Avoid getting trapped underneath a bridge/overpass in a tornado.

Meteorologists advise against hiding under bridges or overpasses during severe weather. Overpasses make a wind tunnel and increase tornado winds. This can launch deadly debris missiles. Oklahoma's tornado outbreak on May 3, 1999 shows how dangerous it is for people to hide under an overhead. Tornadic winds can cause flying debris to pelt anyone huddled under. They can even blow them away from their shelter, causing fatalities.

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Why are survival skills essential?

Basic survival skills include the ability to hunt, fish and make fire. These skills are vital no matter where you live. However, they are even more important when you travel alone or in remote locations.

Survival skills also include things like first aid, self-defense, navigation, communication, and wilderness medicine. They are essential life-saving tools that should always be available before venturing into unknown territory.

You may also need to have other skills in order to be useful away from your home. If you are planning to spend your vacation hiking in the mountains, you should learn mountaineering skills. If you plan to camp in the desert, you should learn how to survive in extreme temperatures. There are countless ways to prepare for any situation, so don't hesitate to think outside the box and consider learning new skills.

What is the best survival tip you have?

The best way to survive is to stay calm. You will fail, make mistakes, and eventually die if you panic.

What is the most crucial survival tool for you if you're lost?

The compass indicates which direction north is. It also shows how far we have traveled to get from our starting point. The compass will not always point you in the right direction if there are mountains nearby. However, if you're in a flat area, the compass should be able to show you the way.

If you don’t have a map or compass, an object like a stone or tree could be used as a reference. Although you would still need to locate a landmark to guide yourself, at least you would know where north is.


  • We know you're not always going to be 100% prepared for the situations that befall you, but you can still try and do your best to mitigate the worst circumstances by preparing for a number of contingencies. (hiconsumption.com)
  • Without one, your head and neck can radiate up to 40 percent of your body heat. (dec.ny.gov)
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How To

How to Locate Edible Animals and Plants in Emergencies

Edible plants and animals are very important food sources during emergency situations. You should have them in your survival kit, as they can provide nutrition and energy that you do not have access to. You may also use them to make medicines and cosmetics.

Knowing where they grow is essential. Also, you need to know what conditions they prefer, such as climate, soil type and weather. This information will help you quickly identify them. But, it can be difficult to find out everything you need about each species of animal and plant. Some general rules can be applied to all plants and animals.

If you see a animal or plant near water, you can assume they like moist soil. Shiny leaves are a sign that the plant has recently been watered. If you find ants around a flower, it means that it has provided nectar for the pollinators. These simple observations are a great way to save time when you need to find animals or plants that can be used in emergencies.

To learn more about edible plant and animal species, you can consult books written by botany or zoology specialists. Talk to rural people and watch documentaries. It's easy to learn about animals and plants by following the steps below.

  1. Seek out plants and animals that can be found near water.
  2. Take note of the growth habits and characteristics of both plants and animals.
  3. Learn more about the natural habitats for animals and plants. For example, you can look for places with a particular soil type, climate, or vegetation.
  4. Identify the parts that plants and animals can be eaten.
  5. Learn how you can cook both animals and plants.
  6. Practice eating wild plants and animals so that you become familiar with their taste.
  7. Wild animals and plants should be kept in check. Never pick from endangered species.
  8. You must properly store wild animals and plants. They must be kept out of direct sunlight.
  9. After handling wild animals and plants, be sure to wash your hands.
  10. Before you eat fruits and vegetables, wash them.
  11. Don't consume raw meat or fish unless you're certain that it's safe.


How to Prepare for a Tornado Warning