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Self Defense Blogs to Follow

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You have come to the right place if you're searching for a blog about self defense. This site supports wireless and surveillance technology, as well personal protection products. It offers information about personal defense strategies. It also provides information on how you can properly equip yourself to protect yourself, such as bug out bags. These are the best tips for staying safe and protected. Listed below are some of the most popular self defense blogs you can follow.

Women's self-defense

The Empowering Self-Defense Blog for Women is dedicated to teaching women about their right to self-defense. This blog provides self-defense training that is customized for women's needs. It provides a wealth of information and encourages seminars. If you're looking for great advice, this blog is the best place to start. All kinds of tips and techniques can be found here to keep you safe from potential aggressors. They range from self-defense to personal defense training.

Non-lethal protection

You can stay secure and safe by using non-lethal self defence methods. Although violence against healthcare workers at the frontline is unacceptable, many of us don't have the option of owning a gun. According to the U.S. Department of Justice over a million violent crimes occur in this country each year. If you aren't willing to risk your fundamental right of freedom and security, it is not worth the risk.

land navigation class

Asian culture

You can find a website dedicated to Asian culture and martial arts if you're looking for self defense blogs that go beyond the basics. Although many websites that focus on martial arts culture tend to be focused on the overall culture of the arts, this website is more comprehensive. This blog contains information for Asian-Americans about Asian martial arts philosophies. In addition, you'll find information on Asian self defense systems, such as the Hapkido style.

Krav Maga

There are a few things that you should remember before you learn Krav Maga. It is essential to realize that Krav Maga will teach you to assess threat density and how to react. Panic during an attack will only make your mind numb. Krav Maga can help you train your mind so that it thinks and acts quickly.

Act in Self-Defense

When there is a danger to your safety, self-defense can be taken. This requires you to use force in a reasonable and immediate manner. If someone is trying to steal your car, it's not legal to defend yourself if the vehicle is empty. The House Enrolled Act No. The House Enrolled Act No. 1284 contains a provision that prohibits individuals from being held legally liable for self-defense actions.

trapping with snares

Mindful Defense

The mind-body connection is a strong foundation for effective self-protection. This principle is supported both by neuroscience and behavioral medicine. Being fully present in this moment is about being present and observing the world without any preconceptions, judgments, or biases. Mindful self defence training will equip you to protect yourself. These actions will help you avoid being attacked. Here are some tips on how to apply this principle.


How many days worth of supplies should I have stored away?

Ideal is to have three months of supplies saved away. That would include enough food, water, as well as other necessities, to sustain you for three consecutive months.

However, it varies depending upon the severity of an emergency. If you live in a remote area, you may not have any nearby neighbors who could assist you. Or maybe there's no power grid available.

In such cases, it is a good idea to prepare for a more long-term situation.

Where are the majority of doomsday planners?

Rural areas are where most people who prepare for the apocalypse live. Because of this, they are more likely than others to survive a social collapse. They also have a higher chance of finding supplies when there is less competition.

Survival requires that you have access to food, water and shelter.

The best places to go are those with low population density. The more people there are, the easier it will be to survive.

Where can I store my survival gear

It is best to keep your emergency survival gear near you so it is easily accessible in the event of an emergency. The easiest place to store your supplies is in a closet or under your bed.

You should label all your supplies with the date and contents so you know what ones you have used.

You should also keep a duplicate of your inventory elsewhere. In case of an accident to your home or apartment, you will need proof that you have the right stuff.

Should I keep guns?

Yes! Gun ownership is an amendment-protected right. It's important to note that firearm ownership is not a right for everyone. Gun ownership is not permitted for people with mental illness.

A firearm can save lives. According to the CDC in fact, unintentional shootings were responsible for over 33,000 deaths between 1999 - 2016.

The good news is that concealed weapons are allowed in most states. Even if you don't have a gun permit, you can still carry one.

What is the best canned food to survive?

It is not always the most nutritious canned food. It will depend on what food you are looking for. For energy, go for beans. If you are looking for protein, choose meat.

High levels of vitamins, minerals and nutrition are important if you want to eat well.

What every doomsday prepper should have?

Not only what you need, but also the amount of it. It's simple: if you want to survive, you have to learn how to live off the land.

You'll be surprised at how many options there are to prepare for an emergency. This doesn't mean that you need to purchase everything on the list. You should be prepared for any eventuality.

The most important thing is that you are ready for anything. You must be prepared for everything if you want to survive.


  • Receiving 11.2 percent of votes in our reader survey was a propane torch. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)
  • Approximately a hundred and seventeen million people earn, on average, the same income they did in 1980, while the typical income for the top one percent has nearly tripled. (newyorker.com)
  • A gravel bike was the clear winner, receiving more than 90 percent of the votes. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)

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How To

Do I have the right to stockpile ammunition

Yes! It is something you will always need. There are many factors that make ammunition so important:

  1. You may run out ammunition faster than you have food if you run low on ammo. This means that to survive, you will need to do more.
  2. Ammo helps protect against looters. If someone attempts to break into your home while that you are away, they'll often take whatever they can find first. This includes your ammo.
  3. Ammo makes you less susceptible to being attacked. They'll usually attempt to enter your home by shooting their way in. You have a better chance to defend yourself if there is plenty of ammo.
  4. Hunting is a great time to have ammo. Hunting season is coming soon, so you'll want to stock up on ammo.
  5. Shooting practice is made easier by using ammo. Many shooting ranges sell ammo per box. You can save money by buying a few boxes.
  6. Ammo is useful for target practice. Target practice is great to improve accuracy. It gives you an excuse to get outside.
  7. Survival situations are best served by ammo. If you find yourself stranded somewhere, you'll probably need some ammo to defend yourself.
  8. Self-defense can be made possible by ammo. Even though you shouldn't rely solely on a weapon for protection, having a backup plan is never bad.
  9. It is very useful to protect animals with ammo. Many people enjoy keeping pets. Wild animals can attack your pet if you're concerned. You can use ammo as a way to scare them away.
  10. Pest control is possible with ammo. Pests like cockroaches and mice can cause damage to your property. You can kill them quickly and easily if they have ammo.
  11. You can use ammo to hunt pests. Keep ammo in your arsenal if you live near farms or areas where pests congregate.
  12. Fishing is possible with ammo. Many people also love to fish. And, if you decide to fish in your backyard, you'll want to have plenty of ammo on hand.
  13. Camping is possible with ammo. Outdoor enthusiasts love to camp. A supply of ammo is essential if you intend to camp in a remote location.
  14. Ammo is useful for gardening. Gardening takes time outside. To keep unwanted intruders away, make sure you have plenty of ammunition.


Self Defense Blogs to Follow